Quad Channel Mixed-Field Analyser

Model: MFAx4.3

This extremely versatile digital analyser offers a complete real-time Pulse Shape Discrimination (PSD) solution for scintillation detectors with Multi-Channel Analyser (MCA) Pulse Height Spectra (PHS) analysis. The analyser has applications in coincidence and multiplicity counting, security and safeguards, mixed-field assay and imaging.

The analyser can function with or without a host PC. In stand-alone mode, separate digital TTL outputs for gamma and neutron events are provided from each channel for analysis using secondary instrumentation such as a coincidence counter. These outputs have a high real-time throughput, and are synchronised in time with the incident event. 

Connection to a PC or tablet via either  Ethernet or Wi-Fi  enables the  use of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) where system configuration, auto-calibration and the  analysis of PSD and PHS data can be performed. The GUI supports touch screen functionality and scales appropriately to the number of MFA devices detected on the network.

An auto-calibration feature provides a convenient means for response matching detectors by automatically fine tuning the dedicated HV supplies to align the PHS spectra obtained using a calibration source (typically Cs-137).


500 MSa/s sampling rate

12-bit resolution

3 Mpps PSD throughput

Time correlated TTL outputs

Built-in HV

Fully user configurable

Firmware upgradeable

Windows(R)-based interface

Low-contamination option

EJ301, EJ309, EJ299 and CLYC compatibility tested.



High voltage

Input voltage

28 V to 40 V DC, 65 W




35 cm x 26 cm x 11 cm

High voltage max.

-2000 V DC


4.8 kg

Output voltage control

via PC or tablet based graphical user interface

Temperature range

Operating: 00C to 500C


0.001% for 0% to 100% load change


50 ppm/Hr, 200 ppm/8Hr


Temperature coef.

50 ppm/0C



Current limit

120% of max. output current, 2 mA

Full scale range

20 mVpp to 600 mVpp,


Short circuit and arc protected

user configurable VGA


50 Ohm

Digital TTL output


12-bit bipolar


50 Ohm

Sampling rate

500 MSa/s

Current limit

20 mA

Acquisition window

148 ns

Switching time

<1 ns

ADC clock

Onboard PLL using internal oscillator

Idle state

3.8 V, high

Communication interface

Ethernet or Wi-Fi (<5 kpps), TTL (<3.3 Mpps),

Active state

0 V, low

serial (used for debugging)

Pulse width

50 ns

Onboard memory

32 Mbit EEPROM

Max. PSD throughput

<3.3 Mpps/channel

Input protection

Over limit diode protected

Input-to-output jitter

<6 ns